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AR Gallery

Customers can experience the interaction between Empire Jewellery and you by scanning the brand logo on the website. Each of the 5 signs contains a different diamond shape. You can enjoy diamonds of different angles and thicknesses through your mobile phone. Each diamond can be zoomed in and rotated freely to help you understand different diamond shapes and characteristics.

In order to make it easier for you to master the skills, we divide the 5 AR into 2 links,

The trademark uses A link, and the other 4 shape use B links.

  1. Prepare your phone
  2. Copy the following link page
  3. Scan different patterns on the phone
  4. Experience the AR interaction between Empire Jewellery and you

A) Link to the logo

B) Four Diamonds link

This is the sticky Notification module. You can use it for any message such as cookie notices, special promotions, or any other important text.